ENVIROBASE® High Performance com OneVisit™ Modifier

Descrição do Produto

O Modificador OneVisit permite a aplicação úmido sobre úmido em uma única visita, mantendo as propriedades fáceis de mistura, mistura e pulverização do sistema à base de água ENVIROBASE® High Performance. Com o nosso novo Modificador OneVisit, os pintores beneficiam agora de uma maior flexibilidade na forma como escolhem obter um acabamento de primeira classe.

Código do produto: T49XX




OneVisit is an innovative modifier that can be added
to Envirobase basecoats to enable wet-on-wet
application. The paint is just as easy to mix and spray
as with standard application and provides the superb
appearance, vibrant color and quality that Envirobase
High Performance is renowned for.

The wet-on-wet method supports complete basecoat
application in just one visit to the paint booth. This
means the painter’s time is streamlined for maximum



OneVisit. Many benefits.

  • Increased flexibility – choose between standard or wet-on-wet application
  • User-friendly – easy to mix, spray and blend
  • Robust application – even in extreme climatic conditions
  • Performance – proven excellent color match
  • Efficiency – ensure painter’s time is utilized for maximum efficiency
  • Compatibility – easily adopted into the Envirobase High Performance platform and works seamlessly with PPG LINQ™ digital tools and the PPG MOONWALK® automated mixing system






Diluentes Envirobase T494 / T495


Ativador D8260



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